Saturday, 29 October 2016

Grease (1978)

Grease (1978)

Busy and simple musical (5*)

Inspired by and inspiring film successes like Pulp Fiction and many persons to sing songs at karaoke bars early in the night, expectations were high. Too high.

First, the plot is razor-thin. Boy falls in love with girl, by chance they end up in the same school and try to get back together. Some other subplots develop, but they're not much more complicated than the main story.

Second, the film is almost two hours of noise. There are no silent moments, and it's irritating. Dialogues follow each other up, and in between there's music. Even when the music plays, you are left wondering why and which background noises, like footsteps, are mixed in the audio.

Third, the visual noise is giving headaches. The screen is always filled, often with colours that pain the eyes, and often with too many actors and extras.

Fourth, acting is as thin as the plot. Almost no character development. Too many caricatures with no meaning. Humor that resembles too much to slapstick.

So why give it five stars? Despite the excess of actors, choreography is very good. It must have taken a lot of time to put all those actors and extras in the right order. Also, a look at greaser culture was interesting, as well as the car scene in the sewers.

If you're into busy, superficial musicals: give it a try. If not, just leave it.

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